I've also got Broly from Movie 9, but I felt that it would just have been redundant to post. I've got Vegeta/SSJ/Majin/SSJ3 (sort of) wearing his Saiyan Saga armor, Cell Saga armor and his Buu. I theoretically have Goku/SSJ(First Time)/SSJ/SSJ3 in his Namek Gi, his battle damaged gi, his Cell/Buu saga gi, as well as his old gi with no weights. Also, there are a great many other skins I haven't shown because you can mix and match a bunch of parts. Super Saiyan 3 Broly has eyebrows, for instance. Consider pretty much everything a work in progress, as I'm constantly fine tuning stuff.

Being a customizable fighting game it's only logical that I would want to make some DBZ stuff, right? You can make your own skins and can actually remodel the hair/hat component, meaning that you can make a bunch of crazy stuff. If you are not comfortable with us using this information, please review your settings before continuing your visit. It's kind of clumsy but still has some charm to it. Please know that cookies are required to operate and enhance our services as well as for advertising purposes.We value your privacy. GetAmped 2 is a free to play MMO styled fighting game (with pay-to-win style cash shop) that plays like a combination of Power Stone and Smash Bros. I know it's been forever since I posted here, and I'm actually pretty sure I've posted a bunch of these before, but I just made some new ones and wanted to show them off.